Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Birthday Cakes

Stacy's birthday cake this past weekend. Stacy plays and loves soccer!
Missionary birthday cake for Elder Stones

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I've always wanted to learn to play guitar. I finally got the nerves to ask my sister if I could borrow her guitar (that sits at her house and is never touched). She said yes, and immediately started playing with it. It's so much fun and I love it morw than I thought I would, though I still need lots to learn. the hardest part so far is swtching from one chord to the next really fast. I'm having trouble with that and stretching my fingers. My fingertips do hurt right now, but I'm enjoying it.
Things that have happened while I didn't blog:
-made a Book Of Mormon cake for the missionaries our the district
-learned awesome games with the missionaries out in moreno Valley
-news: my sister Priscilla and her boyfriend are moving out to the inland empire in march.
-made cute bracelets with the young women (we had tons of fun)
-sewed with my sisters-in-law
-loving our uncle Rick that passed away on sunday. We love him so much! Our prayers are with the Campbell family.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Last Song

I just finished reading this book (below) called The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks. I've read all of his books and all I can say is he keeps getting better and better with every book he writes. This one is the his best for me. Yes even for THE NOTEBOOK fans, this is way better than the notebook. if there's anyone out there looking for a good book to read, this is it.
Other than reading this, all I've done lately is cakes, babysitting the cutest kids in the world( though wild too), and reading other nicholas sparks. which is why i havent really blogged lately.
(i also read The Chosen One same author recently too, great book but not as good as this one)

Monday, August 31, 2009


Yesterday after our stake conference we went to Cameron's parents house to have a birthday dinner for Rob, my sister-in-law's birthday. We kinda forgot to get him something, since we'd been pretty busy with other family activities. So I decided we'd make him a cake, just a small one just for him and his wife. I thought it turned out great what with the time I had to make it. I didn't even have an idea of how I was going to decorate, but I just went for it. I hope he liked it and Happy Birthday again ROB!

... and then on our way home we saw the hill in beaumont/ Yucaipa burning like crazy, it was a pretty scary sight in the dark! But this is the only ok picture we got of it, and it's still going :(

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I can rest this week

This is what kept me busy last week! Lots of work, but I was satisfied with the result. thanks to those who wanted a cake from me, thanks for trusting my amateur cakes:)

I was literally up and about all last week, from 6 30 in the morning to 9 pm non-stop. Cameron even ditched me a bunch of times, 'cause all I was doing was baking and making frosting, and decorating.... etc.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Elide's Cake

Very huge cake, Cameron and I think it probably weighted about 75 pounds. Sheesh!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


For those of you who don't know, I don't sew too much. All I've done is a quilt for Cameron when he went on his mission, which came out really great for my first sewing project ever, and we still use it a whole lot. Ane a few months ago I attempted to make a dress, which didn't turn out and I told myself that that would be my last sewing experience ever!
I was looking through a bunch of stuff to throw out or take to the DI, and almost all my purses ended up in the DI pile which meant that I needed a new purse. I went to JoAnn's yesterday and bought some cute fabric for a purse! So this morning I got up to start my purse. I thought it was going to take a long time, but I finished it pretty quick and it turn out cute for being a not-a-lot-of-experienced-sewer.I'm very pleased with the how it turned out, I even made pockets on the insides toward the top so that when I put my stuff in it won't look saggy.
I got so excited when I looked at the finished product that I fixed a few shirts and some shorts!
It was a successful sewing day for me!!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Cake Month

We just took a trip to Winco to purchase cake stuff for this month's cakes. Yes.. cakes with an "S" I have 4 cakes to make just for this month. We bought so much cake stuff I had to buy a few totes to store it all in because it sure wouldn't fit in my tiny kitchen. I'm very excited for the business I'm making :) but then again very nervous.
I got new pans too.. YAY!

Friday, July 17, 2009


Harry Potter and the Half- Blood Prince was so great!
I'm a crazy Harry Potter fan. Y'all should go watch it!
( though you could tell they really tried to squeeze in everything from the book, not a lot of details)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Girl's Camp

So this is why I didnt blog last week! I had a hard but fun week at girls camp. Very spiritual time up in Angelus Oaks. Lots of bears and stubborn girls. Great talks. Good food. Enough walking to balance out all the food I ate. Crazy girls.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

for a wedding yesterday, i'd never thought i'd be able to do black fondant, but there it is!!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

new look!

I got a new couch today. It made the whole place look different. I'm just so excited I had to blog about it. I also got a piano last week. The Burton's in our ward moved and couldn't take it with them, and it is the perfect piano for our little place! Making my place look a little more modern is GREAT! So I'd like to thank the Buston FAmily and Crissa!!:)

Monday, June 15, 2009

....more cakes!

Just updating on more cakes that have kept me very busy! It's so exciting!
This one was for a Baby Shower of two ladies; one was having a boy and the other a girl. Which is why it's both pink and blue.

This one was the Harris' little boy Ryder. He is 2 years old now and is obsessed with skateboards! ( I heard he was really excited about his cake:)

And this one was for Adam and Ashley's Wedding.
I hope you all liked the cakes, thanks to those who allow me to practice and experiment to become better at decorating.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


I recently finished reading this awesome book called Marked, House of Night Series. It's a vampire book.. and very fun to read. To me it's like Hogwarts on Harry Potter but a vampire school, it's really good, (though it does have bad words).So I'd like to thank cousin Shannon for requesting this awesome book!
now I am reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix. I've read it already but I loved it so much I'm reading it again, so that I can read Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince again, so I'm readyto watch the movie coming up soon. I'm a total Harry Potter fan!!! He

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Hyper 7

Cameron's been telling me to blog about this. So here it is... His new toy. Well not so new anymore; he got it for his birthday. But he just got it fully tuned. It's a gas powered remote control car, and we've had a blast playing with it. We're eventually going to get one for me!
We recently went to see a RC race! I never thought it was a big hobby around these parts, we found an RC track here in Beaumont... who knew, so we got pretty lucky! The cars look so cute when they're racing, they sound like bees. You can actually make them do tricks in the air while they're jumping huge 10 foot jumps, it's amazing!

The only thing I don't like so much is that the gas is pretty expensive
Fun Stuff!
(he can probably say alot more about it, but I'm sure this is enough... ha)

Most Recent Cake

Well this is my most recent cake, and the fondant came out pretty good on this one, it wasn't lumpy at all. so i'm getting better, YAY!
Though it was pretty boring on the inside, it didn't have a any filling; I just put icing in between the layers. So I'm sure it wasn't that good to eat:(

Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Birthday to me!

My birthday was this past Friday. When I got in the shower I found this paper:
Cameron had tape1d it there for me to see, it was a cute thing to do, he's never spontaneous so this was awesome;D

On Saturday morning Cameron's parents took me Repelling. I was so scared at first, but I got it pretty quick and didn't want to stop.
I just want to say thanks to all who gave me gifts... I wasn't even expecting any, and I got a whole lot of stuff, Thanks Everyone!

1st year anniversary

Our first year anniversary was April 19. We ended up celebrating it the weekend after. We went to the Welk Resortin Escondido. We spent time in the pool, shopping and having fun!
This was at Carlsbad Lagoon, my first time kayaking.. and a very fun first time, they gave us tickets there to K1 Karts. After kayaking we went there and had my very first try at kart racing. I did pretty good too, Cameron only laped me once:)

This our patio, we had a nice view from there!

This was just outside if our room, after we got in the pool.
We've had a wonderful year of marriage and are looking foward to lots more, i love my husband so very much and very thankful for him.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I can finally post Pictures of the cakes I've made. This was for a baby shower. The lady throwing the baby shower sent me a picture of the invitation and she asked me to tie it in to that. This is the one I'm very proud of!

I did my sister's birthday present. This one came out lumpy, So I need to keep practicing to become better, so if anyone's birthday's coming up, I can make it!

I surprised Cameron on his birthday with a Rubic's cube cake, just for him to eat.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

No Pictures:(

I didn't want to blog until I could post pictures but it's been a long time, and I still don't have pictures. I'm going to go back to March where I stopped blogging. Cameron and I went to utah for a weekend for our grandparents 50th anniversary! it was so much fun! it was through Cameron's mom that lives in washington. Anyway I had no idea that i belonged to another big group people! They are so awesome and fun to hang out with.
I also started working as a caregiver to an elderly lady that has Alzheimer's. She only at a mild stage so it's a no brainer! It's pretty interesting to talk to someone with that condition. Last light I worked I gave her a manicure, Fun!
I also decided after looking at old pictures, that my hair was really boring... bLaH! So I got a haircut, I got more layers, and Bangs. Cameron loves the new look, which is good, at least one person does, my mom didn't even compliment my new look. (see why i wanted to post pictures, but I'm terrible at taking pictures my hair's already growing out)
And finally -just this one more- my friend's sister-in-law saw my last post with the cake and she decided to ask me to make her a cake for a baby shower she's throwing for her sister. yay! that's something to keep me busy... She sent me a picture of the invitations and asked me to make it look like it somehow. ( again no picture... . . YET- I will get a picture of that!) Anyway, another way to make so cash AND have fun!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sweet Sixteen Celebration

This past Saturday was my little sister's Sweet Sixteen Party. It wasn't anything big but it turned out Awesome! So this is Rosa, and she is my little sister even though she's taller than me.
My mom made her dress and my dress too. She looked so pretty!
Rosy asked me to make the cake in one weeks' notice. So I spent last week practicing, Because I had never ever made one for something so special before. So here's my first cake which I'm very proud of. It's Buttercream Frosting, and the ribbon is fondant. I wanted to do it all fondant but I didnt want to experiment on the day of. But everyone there liked it! YAY!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Something Cameron would do

To Be 6 Again...

A man was sitting on the edge of the bed, observing his wife, looking at herself in the mirror. Since her birthday was not far off he asked what she'd like to have for herBirthday. 'I'd like to be six again', she replied, still looking in the mirror. On the morning of her Birthday, he arose early, made her a nice big bowl of Lucky Charms, and then took her to Six Flags theme park. What a day! He put her on every ride in the park; the Death Slide, the Wall of Fear, the Screaming Monster Roller Coaster, everything there was. Five hours later they staggered out of the theme park. Her head was reeling and her stomach felt upside down. He then took her to a M cDonald's where he ordered her a Happy Meal with extra fries and a chocolate shake. Then it was off to a movie, popcorn, a soda pop, and her favorite candy, M&M's. What a fabulous adventure! Finally she wobbled home with her husband and collapsed into bed exhausted. He leaned over his wife with a big smile and lovingly asked, 'Well Dear, what was it like being six again?' Her eyes slowly opened and her expression suddenly changed. 'I meant my dress size, you retard!!!!'

The moral of the story:
Even when a man is listening, he is gonna get it wrong.

Friday, February 13, 2009

I can finally say "I'm busy"

It's been long time! For those of you who don't know I FINALLY got a job. I'm a window cleaner, and it's been really fun, and busy around the house, it's taking sometime to get use to the new schedule. I'm just very happy that I have something to do now, instead of just waiting for something to happen, since baby's aren't coming. The extra cash does help too! So that's why I haven't been blogging, my house hasn't been so clean anymore....whaa!
Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's Day! I hope I do too, I don't know what Cameron has planned for me. But I'm sure it'll be GREAT!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

9 years old!

Yesterday was my little brother's birthday. He is 9 YEARS OLD. He's getting so big! He's all into style now. He'll only wear skater clothes (Tony Hawk shirts from Kohls) and only jeans. He never likes the outfit that my mom picks out for him every morning. So he matches everything up himself. He is very smart, and I'm so glad we have a baby in the family to spoil. His birthday party is on Saturday, but we still got him cakes on his Birthdate. I made him a cake, but it looked girly because the red frosting looks more like Pink, but he loved it because I put a finger skateboard on top and all the little tools that go with it. And my uncle bought him a yummy ice cream cake!(good thing I had my lactaid pills with me..he)
Blurry but cute!

"the men"

"make a wish!"

I'll probably post more pictures of the party!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Our cars recently got an upgrade. The Amsoil Premium Oil Change done by my very own husband. Now our cars can go up to 25,000 before an oil change, it improves gas mileage, reduces engine temperatures, and best of all we save money! You All should try it! ( I know this probably sounds like an add... Cameron's idea)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Fun with the Harris'

I had two nights of fun with Tanner and little Ryder. While their parents were out having fun before they have their new baby girl in a few weeks, I had the opprtunity to watch them. I shouldn't even say "watch them" because it is so much fun; they never give me any trouble. We have so much fun together.

I love seeing them, and knowing that they can't wait to see me!
What a good boy sitting at the table.
It impresses me how well behaved they are!
So thanks to Crissa and Jeremy for going out so that I can spend some time with your boys!
(with spiders included-LOL)

Friday, January 16, 2009

White Water

About a week ago we went to White Water which is east of cabazon, with my mom, brother and sister. It was fun. We took our lunch there and had fun throwing rocks around, it was nice to hear the water running down the stream.
and Cameron found a cute frog:)

there's my lil'brother getting wet when it was chilly out.
Anyway thanks mom for taking us there. cool place!