Monday, November 7, 2011

Cloth Diapering

So what's new in our home? We are using cloth diapers as of a couple weeks ago. While reading about making the switch on cloth diapering websites it seemed like a lot of work, but now that we're actually doing it, it isn't bad at all. The only big difference would be doing an extra load of laundry, which isn't a big deal. I love that they are super cute and there are so many different colors to choose from.

These will fit Derek till he gets potty trained, so I know it'll save us loads of money-- Always a plus, right?
Cute naked baby right before bath time.


Diana said...

What company did you get the cloth diapers from? They are super cute I'm thinking of getting them for our 7 week old baby boy. :)

Vivian Campbell said...

i have kawaii diapers and alva baby diapers. they've both been great!

Diana said...

Awesome, thank you very much!!! :)