Tuesday, November 15, 2011

4 Months

We have been so busy these days, but I just wanted to share that Derek is 4 months today! Will post more when we have time.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Cloth Diapering

So what's new in our home? We are using cloth diapers as of a couple weeks ago. While reading about making the switch on cloth diapering websites it seemed like a lot of work, but now that we're actually doing it, it isn't bad at all. The only big difference would be doing an extra load of laundry, which isn't a big deal. I love that they are super cute and there are so many different colors to choose from.

These will fit Derek till he gets potty trained, so I know it'll save us loads of money-- Always a plus, right?
Cute naked baby right before bath time.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Just Because

So Derek has been sleeping in his own room since the day he turned 3 months. That first night was difficult for me. It was the first time EVER that I thought our house was huge! He just seemed so far away from us. But he's been doing great, and putting the cradle away gives us our own room back and it looks so much bigger now. We've been using a baby monitor to hear him at night, I'd like to know what all you parents out there do to listen for their cry at night? comment please :)
Here are some recent pictures of Derek, we just have to show him off, he's too cute!

This little boy melts my heart everytime I see him smile!

Derek does not like tummy time :(

Cameron wanted to get a picture of him on the driver's seat- he's buckled and ready to go!

He's way to young and small for the walker but he loves sitting there.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Derek's First Halloween

We had very fun Halloween activities this year, it was exciting to have a little someone to dress up for Halloween. Derek looked so cute in his pumpkin costume! We had a blast giving out candy this year!

We hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!