Thursday, September 9, 2010

Lots of Reading

I'm so glad to be back at school this year, I'm loving it. Though this semester I'm going to be doing lots of reading, can't believe what I got myself into:/ I hope that with the support from Cameron I can make this happen.

Besides reading all of these books, my friends and I started a book club and we're currently reading The Help byKathryn Stockett which is an amazing book. I recommend it to any other book club out there, and anyone who just wants to read something interesting. You won't want to stop reading:)

So anyone who's looking for a good book to read, this is it. This is the first novel Kathryn has written and has done wonderfully.
Got to go read some more.


Joi Montrief said...

Good luck with all that reading. I should be reading more instead of droning out on the TV. But I have started going to the library more so hopefully that will kick start me into gear. hehe Miss you guys. Let me know when you want to come out and visit.

Pattersons said...

good luck with school vivian! i'm sure you'll do fine. and thanks for the book suggestion! i'm always taking my kids to library and i'm constantly looking for good reads-i'll put this one on my list:)