Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Home Improvements

We've made a few improvements to make our home look better.
Cameron cleaned and sanded the outside lights ( they were very rusted) and painted them so they look new.

We got more clocks on our "clock wall." We need a whole lot more, but we'll get there. Thanks Erin for our new clocks!
I'm not that satisfied with their look right now but once I get more I'm sure it'll look better:)

We got new blinds for our Bedroom windows.

New hallway lights throughout the house.

Our door says "welcome" now,
meaning COME VISIT!


Erin said...

I love the clock wall! And the welcome on the door....totally cute and unique. I would love to come...maybe after I have this baby. You have a beautiful home!

Joi Montrief said...

Everything looks great! What awesome little homemakers you guys are! I love it!