and 3 more to go, hopefully!
-Well this is me at 37 weeks, I feel huge and we're so ready to have this baby, these last three weeks will feel like an eternity.
-I feel like I've dropped, being that I can breath better and I feel super sharp pains on my pelvic floor, and I visit the bathroom even more that ever throughout this pregnancy.
-I still walk every morning
-Our baby keeps squirming inside of me, I know he's dying to come out of there too.
-I've started filling out his baby book
-I'm experiencing the nesting stage for I can't stop cleaning out closets and moving stuff in the baby room, and my big project of the moment is to scrub the grout on our tile floor, it's looking great- I have 2/3 of it done.
-I'm not really craving anything anymore, but I do enjoy otter pops in this heat.
-My hands and feet get really swollen to the point where it hurts to bend my fingers and toes, therefore I am not able to wear my beautiful wedding ring anymore :(
- I am currently dealing with a bad cold :(
-Cameron's been dying to install the car seat in our car so I finally let him yesterday
-If you came over to my house, you'd probably find me cleaning, watching grey's anatomy on netflix, or reading some labor and delivery book.
-Swimming makes me happy
-I have had awesome baby showers lately, Thanks to everyone who helped us get things ready for our little bundle of joy through gifts and advice. We are blessed to have gotten pretty much everything we need to this baby from baby showers.
-I feel GUILTY about not wanting my house to look messy with all the colorful baby stuff around, like our bouncer and swing- they are cute but they do not match our theme
-We have the cutest bedding for our baby's crib
-My mom gave me a prenatal heart listener and I'm always using it, it's really cool.
-At our ultrasound last week, our baby weighed 6 lbs 3 ounces, I might have a huge baby and that makes me nervous.
-It's great to know that our baby has made it to full term as of today and will pretty much be healthy anytime he comes out now.
-I'm glad we only have 3 more weeks to wait for our baby, he'll be with us very soon!! ( I just have to stay busy so time flies)