Monday, October 11, 2010

Our Fun-Filled Weekend

We took the chance to go teh the Off-Road expo this year since we didn't make it last year. They had so many more things this time, but there was also so many people.. yuck! Cameron did take loads of pictures for the blog but there's too many so here's some. We had a blast!

every truck there was huge!

Cameron does attempt to park his truck like this at church.. sshh.

I have also been running with my buddies. Thanks to them, I'm becoming the runner that I once was again:)
So I ran my first 5K this weekend and I want to do it again, even though I wasn't fast or did great or anything but I am very proud of myself.

This is me at the finish line. 3.1 in 28:27 min.

These fast runners ran the 10K, they did really good.
I'm so short, He He

Fun Stuff!!

Just a Few Updates

Here are a few things that we've forgotten to mention.
We finally ripped out the nasty weeds and such on our front walkway, and planted pretty flowers.
I managed to make a summer cake (with everything else going on= school mostly) for our end-of-the-summer-family-get-together at my parents house. I tried to make the pool the shape of my parents pool.

A while back, with the help of Robbe and Christine, finally made our headboard. It makes our bedroom look so much better :)

and the best one... I've reached my goal of losing 10 pounds this summer :)